10 ways to combat anxiety in the COVID-19 crisis

I am not a naturally anxious person, but the things happening in the world today have caused me to stop and take a few more deep breaths than usual. A few nights ago, my husband had a talk with our girls about the effect the coronavirus pandemic could have on our supplies (mainly the snacks they kept eating) and it made my heart pound in my chest as I felt a slight headache creep in. I had to step out of the room to regain composure so my girls wouldn’t see me bothered. Shortly after, my eldest came to me and told me her stomach hurt, which I know to be her 11 year old way of telling me she’s nervous about something.
I know these days nerves and anxiety are on ten and while we are home dealing with this uninvited newness, I want to be able to help myself and my family deal with these feelings better. Here are 10 ways we are combatting anxiety during COVID-19.
1. Pray- tell God your honest feelings about the situation. He already knows, but this opens up the lines of communication for Him to give you His peace and comfort.
2. Breathe- the act of breathing is worship and in times like these your very breath can act as a reminder that you are loved and protected by the God of the universe.
3. Meditate- pick out some of the Bible’s promises and replay them in your mind until they stick. Some of my favorites are Romans 8:28 and 1 John 2: 25.
4. Talk about it- Find a close friend who can talk through any issues you are having. Just a listening ear can help you or someone else work through all the emotions this situation bring to the surface
5. Read God’s Word- remind yourself of the times when God delivered those who love Him from captivity (i.e. quarantine), disease, and disaster. Just further proof that this is not the end. You can also remind yourself what awaits those who have accepted Jesus as their personal savior, eternity with Him. Reading your Bible keeps the fact that we won in your purview no matter what is going on around you.
6. Clean- This helps me when I am feeling like I need to reset or find a new direction. A clean space helps my thoughts stay clear and uncluttered with all the bad stuff
7. Get out in nature- You know those sparrows and lilies the Bible talks about? Go take a look at them(within safe social distancing guidelines) and be reminded that God takes care of His children even more than these.
8. Exercise- Because endorphins.
9. Journal- Just another way to organize your thoughts as well as to record and remember this time in history. Whether or not Jesus comes tomorrow or 1000 years from now, it will be documented that you made it through the Covid-19 crisis
10. Prioritize personal space- All my mommas stand up! This is imperative for our sanity and survival! Being home with kids is lovely, but you must have your space and they have theirs. Do not allow them to run amok of your space and create chaos where you need peace. Create those boundaries!
BONUS: Turn on some good worship music and set your mind on the wonders of God. Love on Him and feel his love envelope you and bring you peace and joy at just the time you need it.
I love you.