Redeemed: My experience at the Big Daddy Weave Concert

On Monday, March 9th I took my mom to see Big Daddy Weave in concert. She is a super fan and has wanted to see them for a while. We missed the first time they came to our area and when Spotify sent me the email that they would be performing in Winston-Salem, I had to get tickets. I called BW and told him that he had the girls that night then called her to let her know to get her mind right to be out on a school night.
I had no idea what to expect from this show, but what I experienced was pure worship and the witness of a ministry that points straight to Christ. They came out with our favorite song Lion and the Lamb and we sat down only once the rest of the evening.
The highlight of my evening was when my mom turned to me and said, “You actually followed through!” Loves, I have been a people-pleasing talker and sometimes liar for a lot of my life, but God has been doing a work in me to stop trying to be something I’m not and only be what He made me to be. That starts with meaning what I say and following through. I can hear the love of my former life, T.I. saying, “Don’t talk about it, be about it.” Another good friend of mine says, “Say it. Mean it. Live it.”
God is doing that through me. This blog is proof. Words are meaningless unless there is action to support it. The fear of failure is not going to stop me from moving forth with the things God has told me to do. I am unashamed because of mercy and overwhelmed everyday that God gives me breath to live for Him. As long as I have that breath, I am going to use it to give glory to the name of the Lord.
When we sang the song Redeemed, the tears were flowing and I was praising God because that is me, I am not a liar, people-pleaser, fickle, fearful person anymore because Jesus set me free.
The MC of the night talked about Psalms 107:2, “Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story…” this is a part of mine. I was what I was, but now I am because of I AM. You are joining me in the middle of my story, and as we go I will fill you in on some of my beginning and we will see what everyday brings until the end. My prayer is that through my story, you will see how Jesus works in the everyday and how He is ordering your steps even when you don’t know. He loves you and so do I.