
At the start of my blogging journey in 2011, I was all about fashion. I posted sporadically because I could find no inspiration. Trying to be something I was not, imposter syndrome had its grips in me and would not let go.
Finding my place as a new mother and in a new city, I was grasping for anything that would give me back my individuality and a sense of purpose. I had no idea who I was.
It was not until I switched my focus from being accepted on social media to accepting who God made me to be that I found the inspiration to create the blog God has placed in my heart.
I could not see who I was made to be until I looked into the eyes of Jesus. I only saw myself when I saw Him. I learned that I was created in the image of God, beautifully and wonderfully with a purpose known before the beginning of time. As I studied and prayed for God to reveal His purpose for my life, He showed me so many women and girls who are searching for themselves in all the wrong places. He told me that I was supposed to help them discover who they are in Him through any and all forms of communication. Starting with this blog. Queue the pivot.
Jumpsuit-Lane Bryant| Bag- Anthropologie
How in the world could I tell people who they are in Christ when I had just found out myself? Fear and my old friend imposter syndrome tried to rise again, but this time they were met with a true belief in the words of Phillipians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
The pivot of From Jasmine With Love from fashion to faith was the key to releasing the words God has place on my heart to the world. I am writing and posting and promoting this blog so that as many people as God sees fit can see the greatest love they will ever know in action.
Obviously, I am not perfect and through the love I know He has for me I have let go of the thought that I had to be perfect before I could post the first picture or write the first post. He loves me in the midst of my imperfection because I am covered with the perfect blood of Jesus. He is the inspiration for everything and “from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory.”
I have crazy scary dreams for this blog and all I want it to become, but my first and most important desire is that God take this platform that I am building for Him and have His way with it. Not my will, but your will Lord. I pray that I can reach people and build a community of friends who are strong and solid in the knowledge of themselves because they know you.
As I continue to get to know God and myself, I will share what I learn and hope to meet those of you who are also learning along the way. Thank you for reading.
I love you.