Yearly Produce

Shirt- Foxcroft | Pants- Eloquii | Shoes- Marc Fisher Ltd.
We are in the middle of May and there is no doubt that this is one of the most difficult years I have ever faced. Not personally, but collectively, starting with the death of Kobe and Gianna, this year has given us tragedy after tragedy. I think about the line from the book Little Fires Everywhere , “Sometimes you need to scorch everything to the ground, and start over. After the burning the soil is richer, and new things can grow.” I feel like we are in the middle of a burning and God is preparing the ground for fresh produce.
I know for me, this has been a time of reflection and a opening for the chaos to be replaced with the time we didn't have before. I have been doing all the things that had been put off prior to the virus and now see all the areas where the time I already had was wasted.
This has taught me to be braver when I am impressed to do something or go somewhere. To move in wisdom and not let the what ifs paralyze me. To actually trust that God is going to do what He says.
I feel a personal growth during this time that I have never experienced before. Staying in front of God and am seeing myself and the life I am intended to live clearer than ever before.
Say this with me.
The fruit to come from this time in my life’s history will feed the family of God for generations.
The fruit to come from this time in my life’s history will produce greatness for my immediate family forever.
The fruit to come from this time in my life’s history will add jewels to my crown and treasures to my heavenly home.
I pray that if you haven’t been in front of God during this time that you spend some time in His face. The clarity there will reveal who you are and all that you need to do. Continue to repeat the affirmations above until you believe it and act accordingly. I am praying for you. I love you.