Run Through It

There is a very fine line between terror and excitement, as a matter of fact, the body processes the two with the same responses, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and nervousness. The brain, as we know, responds differently depending on which feeling we attribute our bodily responses. Fear= negative. Excitement= positive.
I recently learned in conversation with a friend, that society as a whole has been taught to ignore and repress the negative feelings and only express the positive. The results of this way of operating are physical and mental illness caused by the inability to feel and process all of our emotions in a healthy manner.
Growing up Christian, I was taught to think that speaking up or acknowledging fear or pain or disappointment meant I was not grateful to God. That having these feelings somehow negated my faith. This, my loves, is not biblical. We were created by a God who at creation felt good and our greatest example felt all the things. Jesus showed compassion, love, anger, and fear throughout the gospels. So how could we think that the expectation for us is different?
This year has been the endless free fall of a roller coaster into fear, anger, sadness, and a plethora of other emotions. And yet, we have found joy and uncovered more love in the cracks that I’ve seen in my lifetime. I don’t know where I would be if I did not have a circle of people with whom I could process all these emotions. Most of the time I was afraid to show them suspecting their depths to swallow me into the pit.
Most recently, as I am in transition, I have been towing the line of fear and excitement on a daily basis. Yo-yoing between guilt for fear and anticipation for excitement. Imagine my relief when I read Psalm 4:4-5 where I get permission I desperately needed to be okay in my fear. Not only did it give me permission to feel the fear, it told me how to process my fear so that I can run through it every time my brain wants to process the increased heart rate negatively. This verse is one of those shoes of the gospel of peace Paul told us about.
Shoes~ Nike
“Tremble and do not sin; meditate in your head upon your bed and be still. Offer the sacrifices in righteousness and trust in the Lord.”
This verse gives us the six step process to getting on the other side of fear while holding on to our trust in God.
Feel- Tremble with rage, fear, excitement, happiness, anger, cautiousness. Whatever the feeling allow yourself to feel it fully.
Surrender- AND DO NOT SIN. So many times we try to process our feeling in our own power and ultimately screw it up and do something that does not bring glory to God. Whether it is scarfing down a half gallon of ice cream, finding a convenient warm body, or ingesting chemicals to help the feelings disappear it will not give us the relief we desire. We have to surrender the feelings to God so He can be our comfort and our peace.
Meditate- think about why you are feeling this way. What has happened and needs to be addressed?
Rest- BE STILL. This time allows you to properly articulate your feelings without being at the height of your feeling when both your body and mind are frantic and you are much more likely to say the wrong thing.
Sacrifice- Now that you have processed your feelings and know what you need to do to move forward, be ok with sacrificing your comfort to get to the other side of whatever healing or growth these feeling are summoning.
Trust- Now know that no matter how many times you face these feelings trust that God has made a way for you to process them and move past them. There is a reason and we should know by now that God is going to make it work out in the by and by (sorry had to get my southern grandma on).
Yesterday, I started my dream job as Founder and CEO. I know the fear will come and go, but I also have a new piece of ammunition in my arsenal to shoot it down and step right over it. I pray that you are able to use these steps to move through your fear and into your promise.
I love you!