Redeeming Missteps

I am an Atlanta native. I was born in Piedmont Hospital, not Grady and proud of it. I have lived in Georgia, Nevada, Tennessee, and now North Carolina. But Atlanta, Georgia was home and I just knew I would never leave.
So how in the world did I end up living in and loving Greensboro, NC, 331 miles from Atlanta? I had never even heard of Greensboro before I met my husband. All I knew about NC was what I’d learned visiting family in Raleigh.
A little background: I spent my last two years of high school at an ultra strict boarding school in Tennessee and ended up going to college right outside of Chattanooga. After three years of changing majors and doing just enough to get by, I ran back to Atlanta in a fit of rebellion.
It was through that move and a subsequent series of rebellious and immature events that I met my (now) husband, we had a baby, got married, and then the recession of 2009 hit. Yes, in that order and all within the same 12 months. With a newborn and the bad economy, we made the decision to move up to NC to be close to my mother in law. The plan was to stay for a year, save our money, and move back home to Atlanta. One year turned into ten and we are still in Greensboro.
I used to look back at my story and say, “If I knew then what I know now.” But lately, as I’ve reflected on where I am in life, I am so thankful that I had no idea what I was doing. Had I known, I might have made some different decisions that would not have resulted in the beautiful life I have with BW, Naomi, and Noelle. I would not be the woman I am today with all the lessons I have learned in these 36 years.
God uses my missteps to show me how He is leading my life and working everything out for my good. Romans 8:28 is real and I see it everyday of my life. He redeemed my rebellion into a life I could have never imagined and continues to show His love to me everyday.
So if you are discouraged today and feel like your missteps have taken you too far off track, know that we serve a God who “redeems the life of His servants.” You can never be so far gone that God cannot find you and put you right where He intended you to be.
How has God redeemed your story or how can I pray for your redemption? Leave a comment below and let me know!
I love you.