Favorite Fall Dress

Fall is my favorite. Please know that I am a respecter of all seasons and holidays so Starbucks dropping their Pumpkin Spice Latte does not dictate when Fall begins. The official first day of fall is when fall begins. That being said, I do love fall fashion, especially the dresses and when I spotted this one I had to have it. I don’t think there is anything more fall than the red, yellow, and orange foliage so beautifully represented in this print.
Truthfully, in my mind I am the type of woman who wears fabulous dresses to get the mail and I think the is the one that might make my dream come true. It’s light enough to withstand the Fall/Summer/Autumn days we have here in North Carolina and heavy enough to pair with a good pair of boots and coat and take you through the winter. Be prepared to see this on repeat 9 out of 12 months of the year.
I love you,