How I’m Showing Up in September

Where are all my Type A, routine-loving people at!!?? Woohoo, we are finished with summer and back to school. I must admit, I am certainly loving all the routine that we have been forced back into. The structure is more than welcome after so long winging it. Two full weeks into the school year and I am finally getting a hang of my own schedule. Fighting the urge to binge watch Netflix and take 2 naps between 8:30 and 3:30 has proven harder than I thought now that the girls are back in the school building and I have a whole 8 hours free. All that said and I’m still not sure how we are already in September…I’’m not mad at it, but wow has this year gone by in a flash!
On this first day of September, I have been thinking a lot about how I am showing up for my days. It’s a concept I stole from my husband and his colleagues. Every week on their check-in call they first talk about how they are showing up to their meeting. They are extremely honest about how they are feeling, whether they are tired, annoyed, well-rested, or hungover they let the others know where they are mentally so everyone knows what to expect and/or they can give words of encouragement, a hard-time, or continue to hype each other up. I loved it so much I decided to ask myself this question at the beginning of every day.
The honest truth? I’m showing up a little tired, but very excited about what is to come for the rest of the year. These 6AM call times are no joke for this aspiring morning person and retraining my body to wake up that early has been interesting. But….I have been able to get so much done! I have established somewhat of a morning routine for myself and am trying to be more consistent before I share, but consistent I have been! I have been showing up consistently everyday for the last two weeks and that is what I plan to do for the month of September. Consistency and discipline have never been my strong suit so I am making it a point to focus on those things while I have the space to do so.
So, how am I showing up in September? Consistently and with discipline. Making sure to factor in rest and play, I will show up for myself because that is all I have to do. I am going to show myself that I can and will make these changes in my habits that will encourage me to show up everyday.
How are you showing up this month? Let me know in the comments!