Where Do You Dream?

Have you come down from your Hamilton high, yet? Last week my family and I watched Hamilton on Disney+ 3 times and have had the soundtrack stuck in our heads for the entire week.
Our (read my) obsession with Hamilton started in 2017 and I have spent the past 3 years trying to get to New York to see the masterpiece at the Richard Rogers Theater. Of course by the time I heard about the play, the original cast had moved on, but that didn’t stop me from blasting the soundtrack in the car and at my desk and whenever I felt like it!
You can imagine how excited I was when my brother told me there was going to be a Hamilton movie! I was! Well, kind of. My first thought were a little sad because I wouldn’t see it for the first time in the theatre like I wanted. Any chance of that happening soon were thrown out the window with COVID-19. But as I thought about it, I realized that this was the perfect opportunity to have my first Hamilton experience in the comfort of my own home where I could sing at the top of my lungs and have my very anticipated debut as Angelica Schuyler.
So my family and I packed into the living room last Friday for the matinee showing. We sang, we cried, we yelled “My shot” at the top of our lungs. My performance of Satisfied was everything I thought it would be and I got all the nuances you could only understand if you saw the show.
We watched with the captions and I was able to catch the lines that escaped me from the soundtrack. There was so much I missed!
I mean I knew Lin (we are on a first name basis in my head) was a genius, but I didn’t know he was preaching like he did! So many lines spoke to the depths of my soul, but my favorite that I hadn’t caught in my two years of listening was a line from Aaron Burr in “The Room Where It Happened.”
“We dream of a brand new start, but we dream in the dark for the most part.”
My jaw dropped as I thought about how that line speaks to so many of us who dream and dream for things to be different, but never bring those dreams to the light of day let alone to the feet of our Heavenly Father. We don’t seek the Father’s heart for us and never ask for exactly what we want. We keep our dreams to ourselves thinking they are ridiculous or that we aren’t worthy of receiving the life we dreamed.
But love, isn’t it worth asking the One who loves you most of this dream is from Him for you? Tell your closest friends and confidants and let God use them to encourage you in His will for your life. That way when your dream comes true, they are witnesses to the work of God in your life. Your testimony can be supported by those who knew you when it was just a dream.
Don’t dream in the dark anymore my love. Trust God enough to ask if your dreams are His dreams. Ask Him to make His dreams your dreams and then be assured that you will receive the desires of your heart.
What dreams do you have that you are afraid to ask God about? Can I pray with you for God to reveal His heart for you? Let me know in the comments below! I can’t wait to hear from you.
I love you.